Our Blog
Do You Have Vocal Dysmorphia?
Unfortunately, we have all probably suffered from body dysmorphia at one time or another. This is when we hyper-focus on a perceived flaw in our appearance leading to feelings of shame and embarrassment. When it comes to singing, many suffer from vocal dysmorphia or...
How To Tell If Your Voice Is Bad
One of the most basic questions we receive is “am I a bad singer?” In this tutorial, Coach Tara and Coach Nikki share three parameters on which to measure the answer to this question. Pitch Pitch and the ability to stay on the melodic line is the foundation of all...
Bad Habits That Ruin Your Voice
At Tara Simon Studios, we focus on helping our students navigate their way through vocal challenges in the healthiest of ways. In this tutorial, Coach Tara and Coach Nikki share what they have found to be the three biggest mistakes singers make that causes the most...
Must Do’s Before You Perform!
Just like an athlete needs to warm up in preparation for a sporting event, a vocalist needs to do the same thing before taking the stage. Not doing so can cause the singer to not perform at peak standard, or in some cases, cause vocal damage. In this tutorial, Coach...
The Glottal Attack Hack
Have you noticed any of these issues while belting: loss in stamina, loss in long phrasing, or a tickle in your throat? These can be symptoms of having too much breath when singing in your belt. In this tutorial, Coach Tara and Coach Jeremie teach you a secret weapon...
Secret Vibrato Trick
One of the hallmarks of an intermediate or advanced singer is singing with vibrato. It’s something you come to expect and what your ear intuitively listens for in a song. If you're struggling with finding your vibrato, we have just the trick for you. The Secret...
Sing Better in 5 Minutes!
One of the most common questions asked is “how do I sing better?” A good place to start is with the following exercise that is designed to improve your voice in three ways. If done daily, this one exercise can increase your range, help you transition between...
How to Make Your Singing Stand Out
Once you've mastered the basics, how do you go from being an okay singer to one who really stands out? In this tutorial, Coach Tara breaks down an original song of Coach Nikki’s to demonstrate techniques you can implement into your singing to take you from good to...
Can You Sing on Beat?
A steady beat is one of the base concepts that all music is built on. It’s the pulse of the song and provides the flow and rate at which you should sing. In fact, staying on the beat while singing is one of the essential pillars needed to be a good singer. If this is...
How to Sing Better
A commonly searched question on YouTube is “how do I sing better?” It seems like a pretty simple question, but it can be difficult to execute on your own which is why vocal coaches exist. In this tutorial, Coach Tara impersonates a typical mainstream singer with Coach...
Can Anyone Sing?
Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a good singer? Where does one start? What elements should you focus on first? In this tutorial, Coach Tara answers these questions as she shares the first four key elements in order of importance to becoming a proficient...
How to Improve Your Range
Range improvement can be thought of like stretching a rubber band. To expand it, you must continue creating tension and pulling your voice, otherwise it will remain tight. While range can be stretched in all registers, the following two exercises are designed to...
Find Your Sound!
Students often tell us they want to sound like their favorite singer but then struggle to define what that means. And that's understandable since sound is elusive and can be difficult to describe. What they are trying to say, however, is there are certain vocal...
Expand Your Breath Capacity!
This is the last, and probably weirdest, breathing exercise you’ll ever need. It’s called Hunger Breath because it will do just that…make you hungry for breath. Greater breath control allows you to hold notes exponentially longer, to phrase your songs in completely...
How to Sing on Pitch
“How do I sing on pitch” is one of the most searched topics on YouTube for singers. Pitchiness is a thorn in any singer’s side, not just beginners. Even working pros can struggle with connecting notes or not quite reaching that high or low note. In this tutorial,...
How to Sing R&B
R&B, which stands for Rhythm and Blues, is a combination of different styles of music such as gospel and jazz. In this tutorial, Coach Tara and Coach Jeremie go over the quintessential vocal elements found universally in R&B singing: riffs and runs, rasp, and...
How to Find Your Falsetto
A highly searched term on YouTube is “falsetto,” most likely due to its elusive meaning and conflicting information regarding the term itself. The proper use of the term “falsetto” is for a male’s voice when singing in “head voice.” Whether this term is reserved just...
What is Singing from the Diaphragm?
As a singer, you’ve probably been told to “breathe with your diaphragm.” Huh? What does that even mean? “Breathing with your diaphragm” is a vocal term tossed around that is actually one of the biggest misnomers of all time. In this tutorial, Coach Tara and Coach...
Elevate Your Sound – Christmas Tutorial
Destroying the perfect. That is the secret sauce in moving a song being sung well into the realm of greatness. But how do you do that? By applying these quick tips, you will be well on your way in turning a good song into a memorable performance. The Why The first...
How to Sing without Cracking
All too often we see singers fall into a mindset death-spiral right after they crack or splat going for that big note. They fall a little short, and then here comes the self-doubt and self-shame convincing themselves they’re such a bad singer not even voice lessons...
Stupid Vocal Hacks That Don’t Work
Word to the wise, don’t always believe what you see or hear no matter who’s sharing the information. Coach Tara and Coach Nikki debunk some vocal hacks they’ve personally seen that can be doing you more harm than good. Menthol Cough Drops Who hasn’t relied on...
Vocal Hacks that Will Change Your Life!
Good hacks? Bad hacks? How do you know the difference? Coach Tara and Coach Nikki help sort this out by sharing three of their favorite hacks for optimal vocal health. These hacks, however, are not meant to be one-and-done attempts. To reap the real benefits, do them...
Improve Your Singing with Text Painting
Who doesn’t love a little vanilla flavoring when it comes to cake and ice cream, but you know where we don’t want to have it? That’s right, in your singing style! Vanilla singing can sound robotic, bland, and lacking in style. If you’ve suffered from this and wondered...
Improve Your Singing with Voice Pulling
Have you ever struggled with a big money note only to find yourself crashing and burning and feeling defeated? Coach Tara and Coach Jeremie take you step-by-step through an exercise called “voice pulling” that will help you expand your range and nail that big note...
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1306 Concord Rd SE
Smyrna, Georgia 30080
(404) 437-7919
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