One of the most common questions asked is “how do I sing better?” A good place to start is with the following exercise that is designed to improve your voice in three ways. If done daily, this one exercise can increase your range, help you transition between...
Once you’ve mastered the basics, how do you go from being an okay singer to one who really stands out? In this tutorial, Coach Tara breaks down an original song of Coach Nikki’s to demonstrate techniques you can implement into your singing to take you from good...
A steady beat is one of the base concepts that all music is built on. It’s the pulse of the song and provides the flow and rate at which you should sing. In fact, staying on the beat while singing is one of the essential pillars needed to be a good singer. If this is...
A commonly searched question on YouTube is “how do I sing better?” It seems like a pretty simple question, but it can be difficult to execute on your own which is why vocal coaches exist. In this tutorial, Coach Tara impersonates a typical mainstream singer with Coach...
Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a good singer? Where does one start? What elements should you focus on first? In this tutorial, Coach Tara answers these questions as she shares the first four key elements in order of importance to becoming a proficient...
Range improvement can be thought of like stretching a rubber band. To expand it, you must continue creating tension and pulling your voice, otherwise it will remain tight. While range can be stretched in all registers, the following two exercises are designed to...