How to Sing R&B

How to Sing R&B

R&B, which stands for Rhythm and Blues, is a combination of different styles of music such as gospel and jazz. In this tutorial, Coach Tara and Coach Jeremie go over the quintessential vocal elements found universally in R&B singing: riffs and runs, rasp, and...
How to Find Your Falsetto

How to Find Your Falsetto

A highly searched term on YouTube is “falsetto,” most likely due to its elusive meaning and conflicting information regarding the term itself. The proper use of the term “falsetto” is for a male’s voice when singing in “head voice.” Whether this term is reserved just...
What is Singing from the Diaphragm?

What is Singing from the Diaphragm?

As a singer, you’ve probably been told to “breathe with your diaphragm.” Huh? What does that even mean? “Breathing with your diaphragm” is a vocal term tossed around that is actually one of the biggest misnomers of all time. In this tutorial, Coach Tara and Coach...
Elevate Your Sound – Christmas Tutorial

Elevate Your Sound – Christmas Tutorial

Destroying the perfect. That is the secret sauce in moving a song being sung well into the realm of greatness. But how do you do that? By applying these quick tips, you will be well on your way in turning a good song into a memorable performance. The Why The first...
How to Sing without Cracking

How to Sing without Cracking

All too often we see singers fall into a mindset death-spiral right after they crack or splat going for that big note. They fall a little short, and then here comes the self-doubt and self-shame convincing themselves they’re such a bad singer not even voice lessons...