All too often we see singers fall into a mindset death-spiral right after they crack or splat going for that big note. They fall a little short, and then here comes the self-doubt and self-shame convincing themselves they’re such a bad singer not even voice lessons will help. That is a lie! With just a few quick tweaks and adjustments, you will be amazed at your results.
Change the Key
One of the first mistakes a singer makes is not wanting to change the key. If you don’t have the same vocal characteristics as the original singer, change the key to what suits you the best that’s still challenging and dynamic, but doable within the scope of how your voice was created to sound. Don’t put unrealistic expectations on yourself.
The Setup
Singers often think it’s all about that big payoff note, but a lot of times it’s about the notes leading up to it. How you sing the setup notes will determine how big and beautiful your jaw is when you get to the big note, which is going to need more space for that higher note.
TSS Reminder: Any extreme note high or low needs more space and support.
If you’re singing small and wide, your body will involuntarily lunge outward, upward, or forward to find the space necessary to stretch to the note. Focus on elongating the jaw and opening up the vowels leading up to that big note. When a vowel is closed off, change the integrity of the vowel to open it up more. For example, if the word is “meet,” change it to “m-ay-t.”
Master, then Move
If you are trying to stretch your range, start on a lower key to master the things previously mentioned. Once you’ve done that, begin moving up in half-step formations to that higher note, making sure you’re not sacrificing technique along the way. Remember, you don’t have to get as high as the original key.
Give these tips a try and see how they can lead to less cracking and less splatting, turning that self-doubt into self-belief that you too can be a great singer.
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