ALTERNATIVE ADDICTION AA: What have been your greatest achievements in 2019? TS: So many things! Sometimes I feel like I go to bed out of breath. lol. I feel like 2019 has been a year of sowing for me. It was a very expensive year for my business, but in all good...
by GARTH THOMAS The beautiful voice and the vocal method of Tara Simon. We caught up with the talented vocal coach to learn more about her busy schedule and upcoming new moves! Thank you for sharing some time with our readers today, what have you been up to in 2019?...
Celebrity Zones Celebrity Gossip and Entertainment News Tara can you give us a brief version of what Tara Simons Studio is all about? Tara Simon Studios is a performing arts studio offering voice lessons, piano lessons, guitar lessons, songwriting lessons, artist...
imaai – Independent Music and Arts, Inc. Hello Tara! Thank you for your time today. We would love to get to know you better, can you tell us how you got started in the music industry and how you got to where you are now? I started singing on stage since I was 3...
by mindymccall in Interviews // 0 Comments Tara Simon Studios is becoming known worldwide, what inspired it’s beginning? I started singing on stage since I was 3 years old. My first ever performance was at my church, and I still remember to this day being up there...
Daily Pop News Entertainment News From Around The Globe Hello, Tara! How does one get started as a Celebrity Vocal Coach and what has been your own personal path? I think if your ambition is to “be a celebrity coach” you are doomed for failure. COACHING the best in...