You own an amazing studio, can you tell us more about how you got started?
I started singing on stage since I was 3 yrs old. My first ever performance was at my church, and I still remember to this day being up there singing, how it felt, and how (even then) I knew music was going to be my life. I sang regularly for many high profile events locally growing up, attended a prestigious performing arts high school (Dreyfoos School of the Arts), won the best vocalist in the state, and moved to NYC the day I turned 18 to attend a performing arts college and audition for Broadway. Less than a year later I found myself as the lead role in the European tour of the Broadway musical “Fame”. Everything really started snowballing for me after that.
You have rolled out a new 8 week digital vocal course, can you share more about it?
The key to building a beautiful, unique, powerful and healthy voice is to practice the right techniques every single day. Most people spend so much energy worrying that they’re doing it wrong or that their voice will fail them on an important note that they actually create the tension that causes their voice to fail! It’s a vicious and heart-breaking cycle! By teaching thousands of students for well over a decade, I’ve come to learn that anyone can improve their voice when I teach them not only the physical basis of proper vocal production but also nurture and train the emotions that are so vital in the production of a consistently beautiful voice. You can’t succeed without both of those components, and they’re both right here in Sing Like a Superstar. When you sign up, you’re not just getting 43 laser-focused multi-media lessons. You’re also getting mindset strategies that will alleviate that fear and let your voice relax into its power! If you follow these lessons and exercises daily for just 8 weeks, you’ll be amazed at the improvements you’ll hear and feel in your singing voice.
What can we expect to learn by enrolling in the 8 week vocal course?
I personally teach you 43 step-by-step multimedia lessons with extensively researched and practiced vocal exercises ordered and presented in a way guaranteed to help you build and nurture a powerful and healthy voice that gives you the confidence to boldly touch others’ hearts and lives with your gift. You will learn the proper singer’s stance, the true secrets to space and support, vocal flexibility and agility, pitch correction and recognition and the list truly goes on and on. My “Sing Smarter, Not Harder” online course will unlock your true voice and make your goals achievable. I know this because I have taught thousands of students, from all ranges of experience and ability, and I’ve seen the tears of joy as they’ve achieved their dreams.
What have been the secrets to your success?
One simple phrase: Underpromise and overdeliver every single time. It’s really that simple.
What are you most excited about for 2020?
Well, I feel that 2019 was a big year of sowing for me. Sowing into my business, into my personal life, into my health, into my son. And as the year is coming to an end it looks like a lot of those areas where the sowing occurred seem to be coming to fruition in the near future. God is so good and has truly blessed and multiplied my efforts into something beautiful. 2020, here I come!!!
Where can we find more information on the studio or course if interested? If you want to work with for private piano lessons, voice lessons, studio recording, songwriting or any other artistic development, contact our team today. If you are interesed in the 8 week course, check out the 3 SECRETS to singing that nobody is talking about!