Have you noticed any of these issues while belting: loss in stamina, loss in long phrasing, or a tickle in your throat? These can be symptoms of having too much breath when singing in your belt. In this tutorial, Coach Tara and Coach Jeremie teach you a secret weapon they use with students to fix this problem.

What is a Glottal Attack?

A glottal attack is the slapping of the folds of the larynx just before they rub together to produce sound. If you start on the breath, the note will slide into the rub rather than a slap before the rub.

Phonation (or sound production) is a balance of air and tone, and having too much of either can lead to problems. But when comparing too much breath versus a glottal attack, breathy singing is actually the more arduous of the two since it’s expunging so much air and is drying to the voice.

The Hack

To practice a glottal attack, simply make an “uh uh uh” sound. You’re going to feel a forward and backward movement in your throat kind of like a pulse. Using a glottal attack at the start of a phrase ensures there won’t be any breathiness because it forces pure tonal sound.

Tara Simon Studios has tons of quick tips like this one to help you sing better and healthier. One way to get started in reaching your potential is to take advantage of our FREE 15-minute assessment. Sign up at https://tarasimonstudios.com/vocal-assessment.

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