Students often tell us they want to sound like their favorite singer but then struggle to define what that means. And that’s understandable since sound is elusive and can be difficult to describe. What they are trying to say, however, is there are certain vocal...
This is the last, and probably weirdest, breathing exercise you’ll ever need. It’s called Hunger Breath because it will do just that…make you hungry for breath. Greater breath control allows you to hold notes exponentially longer, to phrase your songs in completely...
“How do I sing on pitch” is one of the most searched topics on YouTube for singers. Pitchiness is a thorn in any singer’s side, not just beginners. Even working pros can struggle with connecting notes or not quite reaching that high or low note. In this tutorial,...
R&B, which stands for Rhythm and Blues, is a combination of different styles of music such as gospel and jazz. In this tutorial, Coach Tara and Coach Jeremie go over the quintessential vocal elements found universally in R&B singing: riffs and runs, rasp, and...
A highly searched term on YouTube is “falsetto,” most likely due to its elusive meaning and conflicting information regarding the term itself. The proper use of the term “falsetto” is for a male’s voice when singing in “head voice.” Whether this term is reserved just...
As a singer, you’ve probably been told to “breathe with your diaphragm.” Huh? What does that even mean? “Breathing with your diaphragm” is a vocal term tossed around that is actually one of the biggest misnomers of all time. In this tutorial, Coach Tara and Coach...